Two weeks ago, I shared a post with some tips for workers’ compensation attorneys on how to deal with difficult doctors from my colleague Len Jernigan. In this follow-up post, I’ll share the remainder of Len’s ideas on how to take matters into your own hands when you are having trouble working with the doctor on your case. As with all medical matters, being an informed patient is at the core of these tops.
(8) Explain case procedure and why you are there.
Unfortunately, I had the experience of walking into a deposition once and the first question from the physician was “What’s going on here and what’s this got to do with me?” Just prior to a deposition is not the time to be answering this question. Some physicians have never had their depositions taken before and they are unnerved at the prospect. Explain the process and explain the necessity for medical testimony.
(9) Ease tensions.
Behind every physician-patient relationship there is the potential for a medical negligence claim. Ease that fear by Continue reading